Thursday, May 3, 2012

4: Spiritual Prep

Physical preparation can be completed the week or so before travelling, however the spiritual preparation and education should begin as soon as possible, even for the smallest of children.

There are various manuals you can use to educate yourself and your children on where you will be going, one I suggest, is, there are maps, general information and also pictures.
There is also,  I also had some biographical books on the Imams and companions that I read and had my children read.
 I copied pages from my Mafati in Arabic and English, but if you can find one comprehensive Ziarat book that is better. Def. have a copy of Ziarat Ashura with you.
I would also suggest watching Sayed Ammar Nakshawani's Biographies on the Imams on YouTube. Below is the Biography of Imam Ali (as), there are videos on all 14 masoomeen. You can focus on the Imams you will be visiting or even better watch all 14 as, of course, they are all related to one another.

Your group should also send you information on how to prepare for Ziyarat and the benefits. Good PDF file on importance of Ziyarat.  And also
I found that reading the importance of this journey and reminding them of the magnitude of the personalities we were visiting really had an impact on my older kids.

Also began watching the Mukthar Nama series, as you will be doing his ziyarat in Iraq as well. It is a total of 40 series, one hour each, so make sure you start a month ahead of your travels. Above video is episode 1.
There are also movies on some of the Imams, although not as produced as well.

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