Tuesday, December 10, 2013

6: Tips

Upon arriving to the accommodations, there is a brief amount of time in which to have a ghusl, get changed and possibly have a quick lie down. Kids are usually exhausted at this point, after the hours of travelling, but they quickly regain their energy once they know they no longer have to sit in a moving plane or bus.
Hotel Card 
Example of Hotel card

At each place of abode that you will be staying at, be sure to take a card with the address and phone number and give to each child to keep in a pouch/purse on themselves at all times. Decide on a meeting place, in case you get separated, and in the worst case scenario they can show the hotel card to an attendant and ask for directions.
Historical Background
The group proceeds to take everyone to visit the shrine Imam Ali(as), Hazrath Nuh(as) & Adam(as), who are all buried in one grave. The more historical background you have prepared your children with, as well as yourself, beforehand, the better they will connect with this spiritual experience.  At each stage, it is helpful to explain what is about to happen, what needs to be recited and why.
Meeting Points
Before entering the holy shrine, make sure your children know where to meet inside (for example- meet at this wooden door or under the archway facing the zaari- the more specific the better and actually physically take them to the location) in case you get separated.  This is a very congested area, with many people pushing, pulling and shoving. For small children it can be overwhelming, as they are being knocked around by towering adults from all sides. Their anxious minds can be reassured as you remind them that thousands of angels are guarding and protecting us in gratitude for visiting these holy personalities.
Approaching Zari

When taking your first steps towards the shrine with your child's hand firmly in yours, surrender to the Divine will of Allah by not trying to shove and force yourself towards the zaari. Recite salawat often and you will find yourself naturally pulled at the threshold of one of the most perfect human beings to have ever existed.  If possible, pick your child up so they don't get crushed and so they have more space.
There are several security check points which are separated by gender, if you are going to the haram with your sons who are older than 8 I would say, make sure you have a male caregiver with them so they can be
sign for females this way
supervised in the male only areas. Older boys will not be allowed to enter the women's side.
When going to the haram, make sure you only take the essentials with you, don't carry purses or bags filled with random things you don't need, they will stop you and check every single pocket-delays things for you and everyone behind you. Take only essentials- I had a passport pouch around my neck with my money- there have been instances where people have been robbed inside the haram, so do be careful how much you carry with you inside- I found the hotel room's quite safe, but its up to your discretion. I also carried my dua books either in my hands or in a sports drawstring bag, which is easy to open and show. Also remember that once inside, there is a tremendous amount of pilgrims and devotees all trying to do the same thing as you-rub your cheeks against the zari and pray 2 rakats under the dome. The more you carry the more of a burden it will be to accomplish this. There are Quran and ziarat books inside the haram, with basic dua. Phones will not be permitted inside- they will ask you to check cameras and phones into amanat (deposit cubicles)
Amanat & Shoes
There are stations positioned before you enter the haram for your shoes. There will be someone to take them (if you are entering with a group of people then group all your shoes together) and they will  hand you a token (put this safely in your passport pouch and zip it) If you plan on leaving before your group or after than get your own token so you can collect your shoes whenever you come out.
Amanat- phones and camera will have to be checked in here (I have heard of no issues with this)- you will also get a token and they will also take your name for extra security. Again- zip this token up safely with you.
Strollers will also be checked in near the shoe deposit stalls, they will give you a token, just be sure not to leave any valuables inside your stroller, there is no guarantee that come back and find your stuff. 

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